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Carol Susan Roth

Utilizing more than two decades of strategic marketing experience in the publishing world, Carol collaborates with authors to develop, position, promote and sell their books. Her specialty is guiding experts and writers in becoming successful authors by leveraging their experience and credentials into more and more valuable works.

Two of Carol's national best selling authors came to her with only great titles, the passion, the vision and the dedication to succeed. She found some excellent ghost writers to help and advised them in developing winning proposals. The next year they both were featured on the Wall Street Journal, New York Times and USA Today business bestseller lists. One of them, Toby Smith, became a regular commentator on Fox TV News " Bulls & Bears and This Week with Neil Cavuto.

Carol produced the first ever business and spirituality conference, the Heart of Business, with Stanford's Dr.Michael Ray in 1987. She achieved national recognition with her production and promotion of 100+ public events in health, personal growth, spirituality, and business and best-selling authors, such as Scott Peck, Bernie Siegel, John Gray, Thomas Moore, Elizabeth Kubler-Ross.

By directing all aspects of planning, promotion and production with top authors and their publicists, Carol gained a rare 'back stage" insight and understanding of how best selling authors are made.

She shares that knowledge with her clients and through Mark Victor Hansen's MEGA Book Marketing University, the Maui Writers Conference, Learning Annex classes, publishing symposiums and other national writers' conferences.

Trained at the Stanford Professional Publishing Program and with a Masters in East-West counseling and psychotherapy from the California Institute of Asian Studies, she has a special interest in yoga, meditation and Buddhism.

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